Saturday 8 December 2018

Astronomy and Related Materials

I intend to link a few sites on Astronomy. For now, I am only putting up the link of

Bangladesh Astronomical Association

It is also to be noted that the Chief Executive Officer of the Association Mr. Mashur Ul Amin visited our class on last Thursday. We had a great many discussions which upon a few things that include - (1) the role of Classical Literature in improving our appreciation of Science; (2) the need for being dedicated once a student figures out her/his passion about a subject; (3) the importance of always getting into the company of like-minded people who shares a strong sense of intellectual inquiry. Mr. Mashur Ul Amin also mentioned how the reading of a few books have sealed his life-long passion for Astronomy. He particularly mentioned the following Books:

  1.  চাঁদের পাহাড় - বিভূতিভুষন বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়
  2. সমুদ্রের স্বাদ - জ্যাক লন্ডন (কবীর চৌধুরী-র অনুবাদ)
  3. ওল্ড ম্যান এন্ড দ্যা ‍সি - আর্নেস্ট হেমিঙওয়ে (ফতেহ লোহানি-র অনুবাদ)

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