Friday 27 September 2019

Story of Tawaifs

Tawaifs: The unsung heroes of India’s freedom struggleHere is a link to a very interesting part of Colonial India. You will have to link this story with the general history of COLONIALISM and rise of Feminist interpretation of history.

Women in Colonial Era

Language - Fact - Reality

Image may contain: text

Thursday 26 September 2019

Sophie's World

sophie's world এর ছবির ফলাফলWe had been using Sophie's World for a long time now as a primary text for getting introduced with the Western Philosophical Ideas. Here is a link that includes guidance Questions for each chapters. These questions themselves can be used to follow the narrative pattern of the Novel. Use this in association with the Text.

Here is the link:

Sophie's World - Guidance Questions 

Monday 23 September 2019

Top 5 Reading Materials in the Past 2 Weeks

Moby Dick
Theory before Theory
History of Classical Sociology
Streetcar Named Desire 

Sunday 22 September 2019

Reading Materials for improving Reading in Sociology

1) 1984 (Novel)
2) Marshall McLuhan
3) Max Weber = very important
4) Ricardo = see this! Economic Development and Ricardian Ladder
5) Karl Marx- The Economic Manuscript of 1844
6) Karl Marx - Wage, Labor, and Capital
7) Everything under Social Anthropology from Cornell University's website
8) Global Politics- chapters 7 and 8
9) Edward Said
10) Frantz Fanon ( The Wretched of the Earth and Black Skin White Mask)
11) Susan Sontag ( The Aesthetics of Silence and Photography)
12) Atlas Shrugged- Ayn Rand (Novel) = also look through the Bengali film based on this.
13) History of Classical Sociology

Saturday 14 September 2019

All About Literary Theories

peter barry beginning theory এর ছবির ফলাফলThe following document is a BRIEF review of the theories that we will need to know as part of understanding any Historical, Philosophical, Sociological, Political, Economic, and most importantly LITERARY texts during the course of our work for Application Process. The best introduction to these items is of course "Beginning Theory" by Peter Barry. But here the link will take you to a meager 22 page summary of all the theories, which I think will be immensely helpful for our purpose. 
  1. All about THEORIES
  2. Clever Talk on THEORY

Thursday 12 September 2019

Monday 9 September 2019

Our Today's Work

We are doing all these CRAZY things today.
  1. Speech by Communist Party leader about connection between intelligentsia and communist party
  2. Bengali essay by Amartya Sen Essay on Hindu Muslim
  3. Research Paper written by Ex-Logophiles student about the connection between Scientific Research and MNC funding
  4. Philosophy of Technology - Van Dusek
  5. Discussion of Greek and Roman History 
  6. 18th and 19th Century Europe = Basil Willey
  7. Masters of Colonialism History - Said, Franz Fanon, Gayatri Chakvarti Spivak
  8. Problems of Philosophy = Russell
  9. Manifesto of Communist Party
  10. Hamlet = Birth of Modernism, Freudian Psychology
  11. Lefevre = History of French Revolution
  12. Tucyidides and E. H. Carr = on Historiography
  13. Large list of Novels = Moby Dick, The Portrait of Artist as a Young Man, Chrome Yellow, Eyeless in Gaza, The God of Small Things, New Grub Street, Age of Innocence, Baabbit. And ... The Magic Mountain.
  14. All theories in just 22 pages (by Peter Barry) Theory in 22 Pages

Sunday 8 September 2019

Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

This book is also known as GEB and it is also one of the most entertaining book that binds together some common lessons gleaned from Philosophy + Art + Music. This book had been one of the staple reading materials in Logophiles alongside such non-fictions as Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell. I am adding both books in the link.